Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Joint NINDS and NIMH Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:
March 29, 2021
Estimated Publication Date of Funding Opportunity Announcement:
May 08, 2021
First Estimated Application Due Date:
June 16, 2021
Earliest Estimated Award Date:
March 01, 2022
Earliest Estimated Start Date:
April 01, 2022
Related Announcements

PA-21-219 - Joint NINDS/NIMH Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

PA-18-358 - NINDS Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21- Clinical Trial Optional)

Issued by

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


The NINDS and the NIMH plan to publish a re-issue of the R21 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), PA-18-358 - NINDS Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21- Clinical Trial Optional).

It is anticipated that the re-issue will be published to accommodate the June 16th standard R21 receipt date. This Notice of Intent to Publish (NOITP) is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects.

Research Initiative Details

Only applications that fall within the scientific mission of the NINDS or the NIMH Strategic Plan Goal 1 or NIMH Division of AIDS Research HIV Neuropathogenesis, Genetics, and Therapeutics Branch will be considered for funding via this FOA. To assess the relevance of an application topic, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NINDS or NIMH program staff before submitting. A listing of NINDS program staff can be found at: NIMH programs and contacts can be found at

Funding Information
Estimated Total Funding

The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.

Expected Number of Awards
Estimated Award Ceiling

Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over a two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year.

Primary CFDA Numbers


Anticipated Eligible Organizations
Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education
Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government
Private Institution of Higher Education
Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education)
Small Business
For-Profit Organization (Other than Small Business)
State Government
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entity (Foreign Organization)
Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Other than Federally Recognized)
Regional Organization
U.S. Territory or Possession
Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization (Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
County governments
Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Federally Recognized)
Independent school districts
Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities

Applications are not being solicited at this time.


Please direct all inquiries to:


Karrah Benson
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)


Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices