Notice to include Administrative Review Process Language to NOT-TW-11-018 for "The Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements Funding for Planning Research in Support of the Global Health Initiative and other Critical Health Interventions focused on Women and Girls Health and/or Gender Equity"

Notice Number: NOT-TW-11-023

Key Dates

Release Date: May 20, 2011

Related Notices


Issued by

Fogarty International Center (FIC)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


To detail the review process of the Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements Funding for Planning Research in Support of the Global Health Initiative and other Critical Health Interventions focused on Women and Girls Health and/or Gender Equity, Notice Number: NOT-TW-11-018 issued on May 11, 2011.


Administrative supplement applications will undergo a program, budget, and grants management review within NIH that will potentially include external reviewers from other U.S. Government (USG) agencies. The supplement applications will be evaluated on their:

1. Significance Evidence that the supplement funding will support priority areas identified in this request and demonstration of significant collaboration between NIH-funded researchers and/or other USG in-country health activities e.g., Global Health Initiative (GHI).

2. Innovation The identification of an implementation-oriented research priority that addresses a significant question or gap in research evidence targeting women and girls health and/or the role of women in the improvement of health; and the degree to which the proposed approach aims to maximize the synergy between the unique resources supported by the parent grant and the collaboration with other USG in-country activities.

3. Investigator Choice of appropriate scientists having the appropriate scientific qualifications, commitment, experience, and the degree to which the qualifications, experience, and level of effort of the investigators are complementary and likely to result in an investigation that neither could accomplish independently. Expertise of the research team proposed to conduct and achieve the goals of the proposal.

4. Environment The likelihood that the proposed project will achieve the stated goals, and evidence that the scientific expertise, and training/mentoring track record, facilities and administrative support needed for the collaboration to succeed are present.

5. Other - Adequate progress of the parent grant appropriate to the current stage of the project. Appropriate and well described plan to accomplish the goals within the timeframe proposed.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Yvonne Njage, M.D.
Program Officer
Division of International Training and Research
Fogarty International Center
31 Center Drive, Room B2C39
Bethesda, MD 20992-2220
Phone: 301-496-1653

Bruce R. Butrum
Chief Grants Management Officer
Office of the Director
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive, Room B2C29
Bethesda, MD 20892-2220
Phone: 301-496-1670